Monday, 25 April 2011

Visual language; photography workshop final images.

I printed my final images onto glossy paper because I felt this would give them a nice finish. On some of the images to printer has gone a bit funny but I feel they are still really successful and this just gives them a bit of character and is overall a nice touch. 

Visual Language - what is a line? ideas.

I started by creating some layouts so i could get some idea of where I should place the text in relation to the imagery. I also looked at different ways to present my work such as 'book' form and poster. 

I then experimented with a few fonts to decide which I wanted to use. I mainly looked at 'handwritten' fonts because this links back to the idea of my work being in the style of a journal. Through doing this I had a few favourite fonts that I thought might be appropriate for my work and realised other weren't appropriate. 

I tried this idea in square format too because I quite liked how it looked close together but wondered if there was too much space on a full A3 sheet. 

Although I thought this style looked really good, it seems a bit too neat for the journal style. 

I wanted to keep the illustrations quite basic again, linking back to the journal style. Line drawings would look quite quirky with my idea and fits with the text style too. I've also kept colour to a minimum too so its not too overpowering. All of these things link to my events. 

This is my 'final' piece for the project. I've mixed my favourite style of text and the imagery I created to make my page look as though it would be part of a journal. The background for this was created when I poured ink onto the page above this one and it seeped through, it works because its quite subtle and theres a good balance between colour and white. I feel i've linked my work to deconstructionist work too because with a mixture of blue and black text its made harder to read some of the blue and also because the text overlaps slightly. I felt it had to be subtle so that the work could still be understood. To move on from this I could take each event and create an actual journal as theres so many key events I can recall. 

I've found it quite difficult to get into this project and i'm satisfied with the final outcome as it stands. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Speaking from experience; information for first years.

List 5 things a first year needs to know?
1. The course requires hard work.
2. Always check moodle and the timetable as all information can be found there.
3. Theres no such thing as a holiday.
4. Always book in advance in digital print. 
5. Keeping an up to date blog helps with personal development.

List 5 problems a first year will encounter?
1. Lack of money.
2. Time management.
3. Tiredness.
4. Finding a job is hard.
5. Theres not enough hours in the day.

List 5 rules a first year needs to learn.
1. Don't miss a briefing because important information is given out in them.
2. Don't leave anything until the last minute. 
3. Keep the studio tidy.
4. Don't eat in the studio.
5. Always sign in.