Tuesday 15 February 2011

End of module self-evaluation.

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 
I have developed a range of ways in which I can collect research and also how I can categorise it. I think I have applied this quite effectively because I've shown throughout my research where my information has come from and also categorised certain elements of this research in certain projects. I've also developed my illustrator skills because i've used it quite a lot throughout this module to create various elements of my projects.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 
One of the main methods of research i've used is questionnaires/general questions, a lot of these questions have formed the basis for some of my work because its quite important to understand how people view things so you know if the problem your creating/considering is actually a real life valid problem. Sometimes asking questions has meant that my ideas have changed slightly but this has always been for the better. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 
Design sheets are definitely one of the main strengths in my work because I take a lot of time in making sure they can be followed so anyone who views them understands where my ideas have come from. A way in which I can capitalise upon this is by maybe looking at creating less sheets with stronger ideas.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully? 
I feel that I come up with an idea that I really like and then just stick to that idea instead of exploring a wide range of ideas and testing them. In future I could look at trying a range of ideas and then selecting the one that answers the brief best/works most successfully. 

Identify five things you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 
1. Keep my blog up to date. 
This will mean i'm getting my ideas down straight away and it won't be left as such a massive task. I can also refer to it more often throughout projects by doing this. 

2. Seek more guidance from tutors. 
I'll be able to see if i'm going in the right direction with my projects and also get constant feedback for any changes I need to make.

3. Research throughout a project instead of just at the beginning. 
Research I find throughout a project could benefit my ideas greatly and you can never know enough.

4. Dont take the time I have on a project for granted. 
I'll probably give myself a lot more time to get things done which should result in better final outcomes. 

5. Try a range of different ideas out before choosing one. 
This means theres always other ideas to fall back on if one isn't working out and also means i've considered my ideas a lot more. 

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