Monday, 24 September 2012

Statement of intent.

This year for me, is all about finding my definite place within the industry and also gaining experience. I feel as though i'm not far away from this goal but there is still a number of things I can do to reach it. 

5 things I want to do; 
- Focus on illustration and branding
- Gain a greater understand of print and the processes
- Collaborate 
- Use book binding within some of my briefs
- Take part in competition and live briefs

5 things I need to do; 
- Explore design for web further
- Focus on my dissertation
- Make sure I put equal effort into each of my ten briefs
- Use different printing processes 
- Find a work placement

5 reasons why; 
- To make the most of my final year and the knowledge that I currently have surrounding me
- To pepare myself for the industry with a varied range of skills
- Printing processes with give me a more varied portfolio and showcase the knowledge and skills I have
- Taking part in live briefs will give me a realistic idea of what it's like to work for a client
- Collaborate to show myself that it isn't so bad afterall and prove that I can work with others well. 

To add to the above, I would also like to visit a few different galleries and shows this year so i'm not just constantly glued to my macbook. This will inform my personal practice and also may have effect on my interests within certain areas of the industry. 

I am determined to make sure all of these things have been achieved by the end of my third and final year. 

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design year book: first meeting.

I met with my collaborative patners today to discuss the brief for the year book we'd like to pitch for. We bounced around a few initial ideas and things to consider and also wrote the brief as well as we could at this point. I've made a few notes on the things we have discussed. 

Kirsty Alderson
Kirsty Cave
Sophie Wilson
Claudia Griffin

General considerations
In depth interview/profile
Screen printed element or general special finish
Highlight local elements related to the course

Other considerations
Research course information
Communicate with the tutors for delivery of the brief
Time management within collaboration
Consider sustainability and processes when printing
How much is within the budget?
Design process and outcome

Mandatory requirements
Discuss specifications with the tutors

Year book 
Design boards

Negotiated briefs.

Based on my end of second year presentation I wanted to think about briefs that focus around branding and illustration but probably more so illustration as this is my main area of interest. I also wanted to come up with briefs that would involve more skill building and that use a range of media and processes to create the final outcome. Bearing these two aspects in mind and also based on some of my experiences over summer I have come up with ten briefs that I would like to spend my year fulfilling. 

1. BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design year book. 
(collaboration with Kirsty Cave, Sophie Wilson & Claudia Griffin) 
Design the end of year show year book to communicate what this course is about and also what those studying on the course have achieved this year. This will improve and capitalise my personal collaborative skill. 

2. Produce an illustrated book about someone in order to promote them. 
Based on a previous D&AD brief, brand and promote someone via the use of illustration in the form of a book. Include both positives and negatives to give a true impression of the person chosen. 

3. Penguin design award 2013. 
Submit an entry to the penguin design awards. (Brief to follow)

4. Black & white print. 
Experiment with surface pattern design to create a pattern that can be used across a wide range of products which include, gift bags, wrapping paper, stationery products and greetings cards. The pattern must be in black & white only. 

5. Patterned t-shirts.  
Create and brand a new t-shirt company that sells patterned t-shirts online for both a male and female audience. 

6. YCN. 
Submit an entry to the YCN student awards. (Brief to follow)

7. Branding for a person or an exhibition. 
Brand a fellow student from another area of the college. Also possible opportunity to brand and promote an exhibition for one of the courses. 

8. Illustrative type. 
Produce a minimum of five illustrative type faces based on themes from personal interests. 

9. What is illustration?
Research brief so that I can further explore the world of illustration and continue to make decisions about my own styles and the opportunities avaliable to me within this field. This could involve getting in touch with more illustrators in order to inform my practice. 

10. Animal fact books
Create a series of illustrated fact books suitable for children that are based on a few of the most popular animals.

Level 05/06 progress evaluation.