In this session we were taught how to use the lighting equipment and digital SLR cameras. The photos below that I took are just exploring the various techniques you can use on the camera.
When the ISO is set to a smaller number it makes the images blurry.
So when its a higher number the image is more focused because it captures quicker.
When the aperture number is larger the image is darker because its not allowing so much light to get into the camera lense.
When the number is smaller more light gets in so the image is then brighter.
Using a slow shutter speed means that if the camera is moved around the image tends to be blurry.
Where as, when a fast shutter speed is used to image is much more focused because theres not really any time to capture movement.
We then used what we were taught and put it into practise by photographing our coloured objects.
These are my favourite images from photographing my objects so far.