Wednesday 28 September 2011

Good is...the ipod evolution - studio workshop one.

We then had to choose one thing we'd written from each of the categories that we found most relevant and which was most informed. 

What makes it good?
- The way there is a clear viewable change in technology. 

Who would find it good?
- Music consumers.

Who wouldn't find it good? 
- Haters of the Apple brand.

What is it better than and why? 
- Typical mp3 players because it has so much more to offer. 

If it was a profession it would be... 
- A researcher. 

If it was a celebrity it would be... 
- Michael Jackson.

If it was a place where would it be? 
- New York. 

If it was an event it would be... 
- Leeds Festival. 

If it was a product it would be...
- A brand new sports car. 

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