Monday 12 December 2011

Silent movie; workshop three.

The image on the right shows mainly what we had to do within this workshop. We had to decide wether we were going to use one of our given words or both of them. I decided to use both because I felt that I could maybe come up with five good ideas rather than using the one word and getting stuck towards the fifth idea. We then had to produce five ideas for each of the sequences and I decided to use different fonts so that my sequences would be varied. I wanted to keep all of my ideas quite simple yet effective so an audience would know exactly what they were doing. These ideas were working well so far because they all looked different. We were also told to annotate these ideas because storyboard sometimes arent so self explanitory and draw arrows to help show the direction things would be travelling in. 

We then had to go away and come up with five more ideas for each of the five sequences using only black, white and one other colour as stated on the brief. Initially I thought this would be quite difficult because you tend to get a bit stuck towards the fourth of fifth idea but the use of colour could make each of the sequences look different and you could also try and represent speed to differ the sequences. Coming up with these ideas in stages has really helped me because you don't realise how many ideas you are actually coming up with until you look back on it and realise you actually have quite a few storyboards you could begin to develop even further. I found it harder to work with a single letter because when you have more than one you could seperate these to represent the word. 

Once we'd completed the five ideas of each of the five sequences we had to choose our favourite five that we could then go on to develop. Once we'd chosen them we had to plot them on a five second timeline using the frames we'd previously drawn to show where these movements would occur on the timeline, because they wouldn't nescessarily be spread out equally or be at the beginning or end. Doing this showed that some of the sequences need more frames than what I had been working with as all of the sequences were incomplete so next I needed to move on and work out exactly how many frames each sequence may need. 

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