Tuesday 13 December 2011

Silent movie; workshop five.

In this workshop we had to choose one of the ideas we had for a sequence and plot it on the five second timeline from start to finish so that someone would be able to tell what the gradual movements are within the sequence. We were told that we didn't nescessarily have to colour each keyframe in and could colour the significant keyframes in to show colour as this would save a lot of time but would still make the storyboard understandable. Due to the fact my 'S' ended up in pretty much the same place at the end of every second I also didn't include the rotation on the last three lines because it was clear what was going to happen each time. I only included keyframes of how the water level would change because this is a key difference all the way through. 

Throughout all of the workshops we have gradually learnt how to storyboard correctly so that it can be understood clearly in terms of the direction ideas are going in. 

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