Monday 2 May 2011

Speaking from experience; the idea.

To begin this project I had to identify five problems i've encountered since accepting my place, five things I want to make and also five subjects i'm interested in. This was so I could begin to consider the direction my project would take.

Five problems;
- Student finance
- Finding a job
- Money
- Tiredness
- Home sickness

Five things to make; 
- Stop motion
- Poster
- Book
- Cards
- Folding booklet

Five subjects; 
- Food/cooking
- Maps
- Nightlife
- Restaurants
- Money
- General uni life

After choosing these things we got together in partners to discuss our ideas and see if we could help each other move forward with them. Myself and Luis agreed that most people have had these problems so my work could be based upon problem and advice. The overall thing needs to be quite light hearted and fun as its a student audience.

I then had to come up with five resolutions for each of my five problems.

Lack of money;
- Budgeting
- Try and find a job
- Seek help from mum and dad
- Try to save where ever possible
- Don't waste money on silly things

Student finance; 
- Apply as early as possible
- Seek guidance from student support if needed
- Be aware of exactly what you need to send
- Ring them - don't just expect them to sort it out
- Don't put it off

Finding a job;
- Don't be too picky
- Apply online too
- Take CV's into shops that aren't advertising as they still may keep your CV on record
- A willingness to travel a short distance may help
- If possible, get a transfer from a job back home

- Drink lots of coffee
- Nap where possible
- Have an appropriate nights sleep
- Try to keep a routine
- Push yourself hard but also draw a limit

Home sickness;
- Try to distract yourself with other things
- Phone loved ones
- Skype
- If possible try to wait a while then visit home because giving in too easily will make it harder
- Look back on old photos and memories

I put all my ideas on one big piece of paper and colour coded them so I knew how they linked. I've also looked at how I could present some of the solutions to the problems here too. 

We wrote our own rationale of what we are going to do with our project for two ideas and we'd then choose our favourite. After writing these we got into partners again and wrote tips on the back of the sheets that may help with the ideas. I worked with Beth and for this first idea she said... I could try using kinetic type. Have an accompanying leaflet. Could be put in freshers packs and place ideas on stickers for the students to stick around their halls. 

Beth wrote... could put the information on a blog/website so others can post their tips and it can't be misplaced. Send it out to new students before the start of term with places to buy cheap supplies so then they can also save before they arrive. I feel this is my favourite idea because it tends to apply to most students and the scope for this idea is a lot wider in terms of research and tips. This is the idea I will take forward - 'How to survive on a student budget'

These are my boards I've created so I can show the direction my ideas are taking and what I plan to do for my final resolution. I can refer to these throughout the project if I get a bit lost. 

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