Wednesday 9 March 2011

Communication is a virus.

These were the ten problems we were given and we had to choose one to turn into a form of graphic design and to communicate a particular message/idea. 

The first problem we really liked was getting people to try something new because this has such a wide scope. We looked at creating a new product but felt this could be a bit bland as its been done so many times before. It was then suggested that we get people to act 'socially awkward' to add a bit of humour to our ideas but we felt as though this could only go so far and the idea needs more scope than this. So we came up with the idea based around '100 things to do before you die' as our starting point which could be anything from a basic activity to real extreme activities. 

We also explored the idea of getting people to use public transport more although this has been worked on massively. We came up with ideas like incentives for students that meant it was more affordable. 

We decided to go with the first idea we explored and these are just quick mock ups of the sort of things going on our design boards which will show people what we aim to do and how we aim to do it. 

We originally did our design boards by hand but then decided to do them digitally so they look more professional. 

Final design boards; the design boards give us direction and are something we can keep referring back to throughout our project so we continue to take the right direction with our work. 

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