Thursday 24 March 2011

In design workshops.

In these workshops we were taught the basics of indesign with given opportunity to revisit anything at a later date with staff if we wanted to know more about the programme. As this was the first time i've used the programme, I found it very useful. 
We began with learning how to place a picture into the programme, you could either go to the 'file' menu and select place or create a particular shape for how we wanted the image and then 'file' and place. There was also the option to fit to frame and move the image around in the frame. 

There is an option in indesign to put placeholder text in so you can gain an idea of what your spread would look like without actually having your content. 

To make the text wrap around an image like this you select 'window' and 'text wrap' and then theres various different options for wrapping the text around an image. 

In the second session we were given an article and a folder with all the objects in to recreate this article exactly how it was seen in front of us. To start with I found this process pretty frustrating but once I got the hang of it, it was actually really useful. 
To wrap the text round the phone because it was on an angle we had to first of all take away its background. This was done using photoshop and the options were to double click on the image, select the pen tool and then select 'path', 'select', 'inverse'. To wrap the text around the options were 'click circle with text symbol', 'contour options' and 'alpha channel'. 

This was as far as I got with my article because it was quite time consuming. I do however, feel that I did enough work in these sessions to progress on to my own work and create my interview page. 

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