Tuesday 25 October 2011

Good is... print considerations.

With all the knowledge we have learnt so far from the print tasks and the print seminars we did a quick workshop in which we had to consider a few things for our products before they are sent to print, this was a very useful workshop because we could see if there was any gaps in our knowledge and just how much we understand the nature of the products we would like to produce. 

We had to come up with five formats, 5 print methods and five print considerations. 

Five formats;
- A box with a removable lid possibly printed on A3
- A2 poster
- A series of A3 posters
- A4 mailshot
- A6 booklet

Five print methods; 
- Lithography
- Gravure
- Screen print
- Die cutting
- Embossing

Five print considerations;
- Binding
- Spot varnish 
- Mass production of the packaging
- Mass production of the posters 
- Well considered layout and composition to give the highest quality finish and keep print costs down

After we had though about all of these things we got back into our crit groups from the last crit we had on this idea and discussed these ideas we have had. A few things that were said made me reconsider some of my decisions such as a series of posters. Something such as a bus stop sign will be a lot more successful than a series of posters because it will be seen by thousands of people everyday and will more than likely have a better impact if it is seen on such a large scale. This also solves the issue of the fact I wasn't really sure where i'd place my posters without it being classed as fly posting. These bus stop posters would still need to be mass produced to be put in cities all over the world. I also need to clarify exactly how many items would need to be mass produced to have a clear 'business plan'. 

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