Tuesday 7 February 2012

Top 10 things; test crit.

This was a final crit to test our dvds and make sure everything was working as it should. I had noticed that on testing my dvd it was skipping a bit whilst it was in the disc drive but we were told this was a general thing that happened because of the connection between the dvd and the mac and to solve this, files could be copied over on to the desktop and they would play all the way through properly. This crit was quite useful in the sense that it gave us an idea of the sort of feedback we may get back after the module submission because people are likely to pick up on the same things, as though it was too late to make any major changes at this stage. Some of the comments given on my feedback were 'void' in a sense because at the time the internet was down so some of the things that were commented on were actually visable on my blog. The fact we were with friends for this crit was a bit of bonus really because I know they would give me completely honest constructive feedback where as sometimes people may hold off a bit so that they don't offend you in any way. The mix of positive comments and improvements to be made on my feedback was much welcomed because as with most things there is always room for improvement and its good to hear someone elses take on the work you have produced. This crit was successful because there were no issues to be found with my dvd and everything worked as it should. 

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