Tuesday 16 October 2012

Illustrative type: logo ideas and development.

Company name: the company name came from an initial thought I had and when I tried to think of other names to show i'd gone through a big thought process it just wasn't working. I was too attached to this original name idea and thought it would be time wasting to map out other names for the sake of this part of the development. I think the name is really strong and makes sense because it's film products that are being sold. 

These are the intial ideas for the logo design for my merchandise company. I took existing typefaces I downloaded and tried to make them a bit more unique to come up with a quirky logo design. Although this is in the very early stages I have already started considering keeping the logo black and white because it looks really crisp and quite clean cut within these ideas. The name I have come up with is just based on the fact that all films are on a reel at some point so it was just a play on that. I also thought it'd be quite easy to remember and this is what i'd like the audience to do. 

I then merged the reel imagery with various typeface designs that I felt were working to see if these would actually work together. I definitely feel that the reel with more detail on it has a higher impact and looks much more interesting, it also seems to compliment the type better. On the bottom reel I tried to see if adding merchandise would do anything to enhance the design but it looks a bit lost. I don't really think it needs to be there because once the company becomes known people will just recognise the logo. I also experimented with having the reel on different angles to see if this would make any difference. Although I think some of these designs are really working well I need to consider if they are going to work on different scales when being applied to products. 
I took a few of my favourite logos and experimented with them making them gradually smaller. Although this still works because you can still read the text and see the detail in the drawing you can't really see the detail in the text so really this is a negative. I showed the designs i'd already come up with to a few people in my group and they suggested using only part of the reel and including the text so it's still slightly visual but theres more focus on the brand name. The original design I did for this is the brand name with thick film edges around it but people in my group said this takes away the focus from the name so I tried it with thinner edges and think i'm pretty pleased with this logo (the one circled red). This is what I think i'm going to take forward as the branding for the merchandise company.

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