Monday 9 January 2012

Silent movie; spin sequence two.

This was another sequence that differed ever so slightly from my storyboard I created but the only different being is this stops once the text is the right way and in the storyboard it goes rotating off the screen so I could still refer to the storyboard in terms of how the sequence would work. Although I like the simplicity of this sequence I feel its maybe a little too simple because its showing skill I have already used in some of my previous sequences. 

This shows the keyframe layout for the sequence above, the movement is quite steady and continuous because the keyframes are spread equally apart and with considerable distance. 

If I want the sequence to move at a faster pace then I could move the keyframes closer together, as seen above. Still with equal spacing so I get a continuous movement. 

The sequence above was rendered and exported after I moved these keyframes and I don't see a very noticable change in the speed of the sequence, it's still quite slow and this wasn't really the result I was looking for once moving them. 

I then decided to move the keyframes even closer together and the result I got from this is the rendered sequence above. This works a lot better because the sequence is faster and shows that for this type of speed in future I need to look at overlapping my keyframes. There is a 'lone' keyframe in the sequence for the part in which the text stops once it is back to the right way up. 

I then looked at ways in which I could make the text go out of the frame by adding in keyframes which sent it off to the right. This doesn't look right becuse there is a staggered movement as the text goes off and it breaks the flow that the sequence intially had so I think I prefer my intial idea where it just stops all be it that its again another quite simple one. 

Due to the fact I wasnt entirely happy with the sequences previous to the one above, I decided to change the concept for this sequence completely. I used the same artwork as what I had used in the first  sequence but wanted the movement to be different. The idea is that instead of the word 'rotating' in a spinning manner, it is following a path in which it will have 'spun' 360 degrees once it gets back to the beginning. This concept works better because although its a little more complicated its a stretch away from the ideas of some of the other sequences, I did feel before hand that some of the were based around the same concepts. The fact I have used the same art work twice doesn't really hinder because the concepts are completely different. 

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