Thursday 12 January 2012

Top 10 things; further film research.

When it came to designing my concept boards, I realised there was a lot of information I hadn't really thought about that I could have collected about my films i'd chosen based on my surveys. I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted to use text within my 60 second sequence because I felt this would take away the 'mysterious' idea I had in mind so maybe this was why I hadn't really considered it. I managed to find out how much each film made at the box office and also if it had won anyway awards but thought these facts maybe weren't actually that interesting. For the purpose of the concept boards I decided to look at other peoples opinions of the films, this was quite fitting really because the reason they are a 'top 10' is based on other peoples opinions. I also found the star rating for each of the films but then realised that this wasn't fitting with my top ten because some of the films I had in my list had been rated lower than what my survey had told me. If I was to use these quotes they would appear as each of the image from a film did, in a way hinting at the film. In these notes i've also included my ideal target audience, the channel my programme would be shown on and the time it would be shown. 

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