Wednesday 21 November 2012

Illustrative type; further hand rendered development of typefaces.

Based on the new typefaces I found I started to draw some ideas out for my illustrative typefaces. I also decided to bring colour in at this stage but knew this decision would be quite easy because a lot of the colours are already chosen as they are based on the films. From the designs above I already have favourites and feel this process has been quite easy because I already liked some of the styles i'd drawn out before with the original film typefaces. I've written some notes on the sheet to do with colour decisions and the letterforms. 

Once I was happy with the ideas I'd come up with I hand rendered each of the typefaces for the chosen films, first in pencil and then went over this with black fineliner pen. 
Harry Potter
I went for this font because I felt it had the most potential with it being bolder, it meant the inside of the letters could be quite decorative. Due to the font being quite sharp on some of the edges it inspired me to create this 'wood' like texture to each induvidual letter in order to represent Harry Potter's wand. I used the original font as a template for the outline of this. Although this is such a simple concept it changes the look of the typeface a lot and really suits the film. I have also decided that adding a star next to each letter will emphasise the flm even more but i'm going to do so digitally as it would take ages to draw each out by hand. The star stands for the magic that comes from the wand within the films. A really simple yet hopefully sophisticated solution because I thought if I tried too hard to communicate a film, the message could get a little lost in translation. 

In order to line the space band through each letter up perfectly, I found the exact center by measuring from the top and bottom of each letter. 

Star Wars
The concept for the star wars typeface is pretty straight forward. I used the original font I sourced in order to make the template for the outline of the font. The band go through the middle of each letter is meant to represent space and this is something continous throughout all the films and within the film poster imagery. The space within the letter around this could be coloured in any colour depending on who said the quote that is going to be made from it. I decided to make the glyphs completely black with the 'stars' in there because some of them were too small to be able to have the band running through them and I thought at least if I did that to them all then they would all work together. The colours of the rest of the letter could be based on a characteristic of the look of the character chosen for the quote or their lightsabre colour. I think this is actually my favourite font because it's really simplistic but i've managed to place two characteristics of the film within it. 

Monsters Inc
The concept for the monsters inc typeface comes from the character design from the film. I've used the characteristics of Mike and Sulley in order to create the letters. The outline of the typeface is traced from the original monster face typeface I sourced. I decided to have any letters with a counter in them as Mike because he has one big eye so feel that the audience would be able to tell which character this is and then the rest are Sulley. Althought sulley has horns too, I felt it would be a bit weird to have them on all of the letters because it would be too much, simple definitely works better. The rounded style of all the letters works really well because it suits the target audience and is quite fun and playful like the film itself. 

The next stage is to turn the typefaces digital and bring in colour. 

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